The LSTME Busan is a publicly funded German Engineering Research and Development Institute operating in Busan, South Korea. Operated by the LSTME e.V. – an associated institute of the Friedrich Alexander University Erlangen-Nuernberg (FAU), it was invited by Busan Metropolitan City and the Korean Ministry for Trade, Industry and Energy.

LSTME 부산은 대한민국 부산에 위치한 독일 공적 자금 지원 엔지니어링 연구 개발 기관입니다. 프리드리히 알렉산더 에를랑겐-뉘른베르크 대학교(FAU)의 부설 연구소인 LSTME e.V.가 운영하는 이곳은 부산광역시와 한국 산업통상자원부의 초청을 받아 설립되었습니다.

LSTME Busan aims to transfer German Engineering approaches and capabilities from the mother institute – the Chair of Fluid Mechanics at FAU, to Korea. Research is structured around fluid mechanics with applications in numerical simulations, food technology, biotechnology, hydrogen and energy research as well as classical fluid mechanics.